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Rewriting Your Health Story
The myth of modern medicine is that your health is deteriorating on accident, by coincidence, at the mercy of your genetics. From this perspective it is easy to see how so many ...

Why unlocking your intuition is key to intuitive eating
Intuitive eating has taken the internet by storm. In the era of #bodypositivity, many people are searching for a way to make peace with food and their bodies and are turning to ...

You’ve changed, but the scale stays the same? If you’re eating all the right things, exercising 6 days a week and STILL not losing the weight, raise your hand! This article is ...

Are you stressed out about stress?
It’s estimated that 75-90% of all primary care visits are related to stress. But when the doctor tells you that you need to better manage stress to lower your blood pressure, what ...

Is an Elimination Diet right for you?
It’s not unique to have an emotionally loaded relationship to food, you aren’t alone. I would wager we ALL have an emotional relationship to food. How could we not? We are bombarded ...

Why WHAT you’re eating isn’t the only thing driving inflammation
By now I’m sure you’ve read a million articles about inflammation and what you should or shouldn’t be eating in order to stop it in its tracks. Yet, WHAT you are eating ...

4 Surprising Reasons You’re Feeling Low
If you’ve ever experienced low mood or depression you know just how long a day can be. It spreads out before you like an odyssey fit for someone much stronger than you ...

The smarter, not harder weight loss program you’ve been missing
The other day I was on the phone with a patient while on their lunch break. I asked what was on the menu for today and she replied, “a chicken breast.” Full ...